10 Tips  for setting up a Control room

Tip 1: As easy as a pie


Consider setting up a control room as easy as pie, you'll save a lot of money. Take it easy, this isn't rocket science or spatial technology. Feel free to call me if you want to ensure your choices. Here are my details + or gco@virtual-cockpit.com


Tip 2: Standard TVs can do the job


The technology of screens has changed drastically in recent years. You can now buy a 98-inch TV for 2000 euros and split it. Firefighters have been using this solution since 2021, 24/7, and it works fine. An airline company created a great videowall using standard TVs. To minimize the bezel, they cleverly flipped the upper screens upside down


Tip 3: Capture the HDMI sources


Use HDMI capture cards to access external sources and mix secure sources correctly. Prices start at around 10 euros for a USB component and go up to 400 euros for a quad capture card.

Tip 4: A basic controller can manage numerous screens


Use a videowall controller. This inexpensive component (starting at 50 euros) manages multiple monitors and combines all screens into one. You only need to insert one HDMI input, and it will split the signal to the X monitors.


Tip 5: Daisy chain monitors


Consider the option to "daisy chain monitors." Essentially, recent monitors can be linked to each other via DisplayPort or Thunderbolt. Finally, your videowall is recognized as one unique monitor by your computer.



Tip 6: KVM technology to share keyboards, mouses and monitor


Use KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) technology to integrate your various interactive workstations onto the videowall. Prices for basic solutions, capable of managing 4 computers, start at around 60 euros.

Tip 7: Multiviewer device

Use a multiviewer controller to capture multiple HDMI inputs and send them to the videowall. Prices for basic solutions, capable of capturing four HDMI inputs and displaying them simultaneously, start at around 50 euros.


Tip 8: Smart remote control

Use a Stream Deck (Elgato) to quickly change the scenario displayed on the videowall.


Tip 9: Avoid Push an pull TV Stand


Avoid the "push and pull" actions on your TV stand as much as possible. Many customers have already broken their screens and can no longer find spare monitors.


Tip 10: Cable management


Number your HDMI cables and protect the tags with clear thermoplastic. Recently, hackers attacked and crashed the entire system of two command centers. It's much easier to redo the entire setup with proper cable management.

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